Questions and Answers
Below is a selection of frequently asked questions. If you do not find an answer please feel free to give us a call on 01509 239205 or email info@watermeadnursery.co.uk and one of our friendly staff will be more than willing to answer your queries
Do you accept childcare vouchers? – yes all vouchers are accepted
How do childcare vouchers work? – it is a scheme that you can join through your workplace
When do I need to pay my fees by? - Fees are due on the 1st day of each month, monthly in advance.
Will I pay the same amount each month? – you can set up a monthly standing order so that you are paying a fixed amount each month.
What should I do if I need to change my regular booking pattern, or cancel my child’s place? – one months’ notice is required to cancel or change your child’s sessions
What should I do if I need an extra session? - extra sessions can be booked through the office subject to availability
Do you keep a learning journey? - We use online learning journals that you can access that track your child’s learning
How will you keep me informed about my child’s development and daily activities? – all information about your child’s development can be accessed through the dedicated Famly app.
How does funding work? - We have a FAQ funding sheet available to answer to answer these questions.
When are you closed for holidays? – we are closed on bank holidays, and at Christmas for a week
How can I pay my nursery fees? – by bank transfer, cash or cheque and tax free childcare
Do you offer sibling discount? – yes 15%
Do you offer just morning or afternoon sessions? - Yes
Do I need to pay if my child is off sick or on holiday? - Yes nursery fees are due in full for all absences
If my child is ill can they still attend nursery? - Please refer to the nursery for advice on our infection control policy’s
Can I bring in medication? – yes we can administer medication but we need written permission from yourself to do this.
Do I need to provide nappies, pull-ups or wipes? – parents are asked to provide the nappies and wipes that suit their child best.
Do I need to provide food for my child? – all snacks and food are provided and cooked on site by our chefs
Do I need to provide bedding for my child? – your child will have their own set of bedding that is washed here weekly or as required
How many settling in sessions can my child have? – we provide as many settling in session that your child's needs for free, for them to be 100% settled before they start.
Can I phone the nursery during the day to see if my child is ok? – we operate an open door policy here, you can come and talk to us about your concerns at any time and you are welcome to call the nursery through the day to speak to your child’s key person that will keep you updated on their day.
When should I book my nursery place? – please start looking as soon as possible to secure a place for your child, nursery places get booked up quickly.
Will my child be given a qualified key worker? – all children have a key person to take care of their and your every need.
Can I visit the nursery to view the setting before signing up? – we do recommend that you visit the nursery first to see if its meets all your and your child’s needs, show-rounds are available on request.
Where is Watermead located? - see the contact page
What is the staff to child ratio? - The staff ratios differ from room to room, we always ensure high levels of staffing
Do you hold parent’s evenings? - We have termly parents meeting but you are welcome to book one at any time with your child’s key person.
Do you cater for children with special needs? – yes all children's individual needs are catered for
Do you cater for vegan or vegetarian diets? – we cater for all dietary requirements
What hours is the nursery open? – 7.45am until 6 pm.
Do you offer school days? - No
Can I park safely outside the nursery? – For the safety of parents and children using the nursery, as well as local residents we encourage all parents to use the large car park nearby.