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Nicola Colman

*** Longcliffe Nursing Home ***

Saskia describes their morning at Longcliffe Nursing Home:

"We all walked up the hill to Longcliffe Nursing home. The children walked in pairs and as they went, we all sang “it’s good to be me” - a song we learned for graduation that the children decided they wanted to perform to the elderly. During our journey we found a giant toadstool, which the children marvelled at, as well as noticing blackberries in the hedgerow AND walking carefully round some roadworks which they found VERY interesting.

Once we arrived, we were welcomed with a glass of juice each and we went around introducing ourselves. We then started our first activity; this was prepared by Saskia and was based on the portraiture project the children have been doing in the art room. Each child and resident were given a blank face template, the children filled in the template by drawing the faces of the residents on their worksheets and vice versa. The residents loved watching the children draw them and were very complimentary on their drawing abilities.

After this activity, two care home workers entered wearing big top hats with rabbit ears on top and carried some delicious looking cupcakes! They gave them out to the children along with some more juice and all the children had a ‘mad hatters tea party’. but what was a mad hatters tea party without some mad hats!? The care home kindly provided the children with some paper top hats and stickers for the children and the residents to decorate together. They worked really well together, helping each other peel the backs off the stickers and turning the hats round to find spots to decorate. After that they sat and listened to the story of the mad hatters tea party, wearing their new creations.

Finally, we ended the morning with the children singing their ‘it’s good to be me’ song to the residents. They were very eager to sing and did well remembering the words from graduation time. On our way home the children skipped and chatted excitedly about their visit, and wanting to come back again the next day!"

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