Barnardo's Sports Day & Toddle
*** Barnardo’s Sports Day & Toddle ***
What a lovely day for our animal themed Sports Day and Barnardo’s Big Toddle.
Many parents joined us for Sports Day and watched the children participate in six separate sports, the bean bag game, traffic light game, hoop game, relay race, beanbag throwing and football skills. Our Watermead children thoroughly enjoyed the Sports Day and parents enjoyed cheering their children on, there were lots of happy faces. Thank you Paul for organising Sports Day.
Parent comments:
“Staff have been brilliant in organising the event”
“Lovely seeing how much the children are enjoying themselves”
The Big Toddle: Throughout the day parents joined their children to take a walk around nursery and the local area. Lauren from Robins describes their morning:
“Our children walked beautifully to the field, whilst there we enjoyed picking some daisies. Running around, the children shouted “go go go” as they ran around trying to catch their friends. We then had a picnic snack and a drink. The children then had another run around and then became part of our Robins train as we followed the lines marked out on the floor. We said “choo choo” and sang a train version of wheels on the bus. We then headed back to nursery for our lunch and a much-needed nap”
A huge thank you for joining us on the day and for sponsoring your children, a grand total of £283.75 was raised for Barnardo’s.