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Nicola Colman

Pimp the Zimmers!

Sophie tells us about the day out:

“When we arrived at Longcliffe we were greeted by Karen the manager. The children introduced themselves to the residents and the residents to us. We were asked to draw a picture of one of the residents and we were encouraged to talk to them. The children began talking to the residents confidently, they were talking about what they were drawing with the help of the staff.

After our drawings we played a game of keeping the balloon in the air. This involved a lot of team work and everyone joined in with the fun, even those children who were a little shy in the first task. Shirley, Jim and Irene were particularly interested in this game leaping out of their chairs to catch the balloon. It was so nice to see the children and adults doing some exercise all together and all enjoying themselves laughing.

After the balloon game we all enjoyed a nice sit down with a biscuit and some juice and we all sang Happy Birthday to Karen. Karen gave us a box of arts and crafts to ‘Pimp the Zimmers’!. This was a chance for the children to get creative and practice their sticking and wrapping skills. They enjoyed sticking on stickers, paper flowers, ribbons and balloons to the equipment.

It was then time for us all to say goodbye to our new friends and walk back to Pre-school. On the way back the children enjoyed singing nursery rhymes and managed to get back in 30 minutes ready for dinner time.

It was a very enjoyable morning and many of the children asked when they would be going again”

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